Getting Started

Get up and running with Nuxt UIKit 3 with 2 simple steps

Play online

You can start playing with nuxt-uikit3 in your browser using Stackblitz:

Play on StackBlitz


  1. install @samk-dev/nuxt-uikit3 in your project:
npm i -D @samk-dev/nuxt-uikit3
  1. Add it to your modules configuration in nuxt.config:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@samk-dev/nuxt-uikit3']
✨ That's it! You can now use UIKit 3 in your Nuxt app

Module Options

You can customize the module's behavior by using the uikit3 property in nuxt.config:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  uikit3: {
    // Options